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What's New



Does your child have a new medical condition? Fill out the following corresponding forms to send in:






Important Dates

June 3-6 School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day

June 4- DSBN Track & Field

June 7- PD day

June 11- Special Olympics

June 14- Intermediate Classes to Niagara Falls

June 18- Grade 8 Graduate Breakfast

June 20- Grade 8 Graduation

June 21- International Indigenous People's Day

June 25- Krispy Kreme Donut pick up

June 27- Last day of school










Welcome to Princess Elizabeth!

Yard Supervision begins at 8:50. Please do not send your child early as they should not be on the yard prior to this time, and on rainy days will not be permitted into the school until then.

We are pleased to provide an outstanding education at Princess Elizabeth Public School for our students. Innovative programs that meet the needs of all our students are taught by our dedicated and professional staff who care about your child.

Our Board is focused on literacy and numeracy achievement and creating an environment where we are working together on our goal of success for every student. We also value the community partnerships and parent involvement which are so crucial to a successful education for our students.

We welcome your input and inquiries.