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Information for Families

Information for Families

Welcome to Princess Elizabeth!

Yard Supervision begins at 8:50. Please do not send your child early as they should not be on the yard prior to this time, and on rainy days will not be permitted into the school until then.

We are pleased to provide an outstanding education at Princess Elizabeth Public School for our students. Innovative programs that meet the needs of all our students are taught by our dedicated and professional staff who care about your child.

Our Board is focused on literacy and numeracy achievement and creating an environment where we are working together on our goal of success for every student. We also value the community partnerships and parent involvement which are so crucial to a successful education for our students.

We welcome your input and inquiries.

Message from the Principal

Greetings Princess Elizabeth Community!

Welcome back! The members of the Princess Elizabeth staff extend a warm welcome to all our returning students/families, as well as to our new students and their families. We hope that everyone enjoyed a fun filled, healthy, and safe summer.

I am very proud to be the Principal of Princess Elizabeth. I look forward to meeting our families and students and working with our parents and teachers to inspire students to continue to learn and to set their sights high. Our caretakers have been working hard to get the classrooms back up and running for the September 5th start. Also, teaching and support staff have been busy preparing for the new school year. They look forward to working with you and your children over the coming months.

The District School Board of Niagara has a great deal of valuable information on their website at

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or myself. Together, we are committed to the children. We hope you have a great start to our new school year!


Mrs. A. Grieve


Does your child have a new medical condition? Fill out the following corresponding forms to send in:






History of Princess Elizabeth Public School

The present school structure with the exception of the school gymnasium was erected in 1949. Princess Elizabeth Public School was one of six elementary schools operated in Crowland Township by the Crowland Township Board of Education : Area one.

The addition of a gymnasium in the early 1960's allowed conversion of the existing gymnasium into the present library resource area .

The school initially operated as a dual track language facility, educating both Franco and Anglophone populations Kindergarten to grade 8 . In fact, the majority of the population was Francophone, which led to the creation of a French Language School in 1961.During this time the school building housed the Crowland Township board officers, which eventually moved to King Street in Welland.

In 1965, Princess Elizabeth Public School became a Welland Board of Education structure, and with regional reorganization in 1969, became a part of Niagara South Board of Education. In 1981 the school was designated an English language facility with a Kindergarten to grade 6 population. Intermediate pupils attended Plymouth senior school. With the creation of kindergarten to grade 8 public school in 1982, the school added a grade 7 section in September of that year, and a grade 8 the following year. The closure of Welland south school in 1984 altered the boundary definitions for Princess Elizabeth.

A perusal of the school principals’ list perhaps helps identify some transition from dual track to French to English language education at Princess Elizabeth. To some extent, the return to the school roots occurred in September 1987 with the placement of a grade 7 French Immersion class at Princess Elizabeth. This program was extended to grade 8 in September 1988, grade 5 in 1991 and grade 6 in September 1992. Major maintenance records for the school show the new gymnasium, new furnace, plumbing, electrical updating and landscaping (tree planting for the Canadian centennial) and new windows. During the 1994-95 school year the existing paint room was redesigned to be used as a staff resource room.